Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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By J. A. Waqineb. Charleston Courier.
Arise! arise! with main and might,
Sons of the sunny clime! Gird on the sword; the sacred fight
The holy hour doth chime. Arise, the craven host draws nigh,
In thundering* array ; Arise ! ye braves ! let cowards fly—
The hero hides the fray.
Strike hard, strike hard, thou noble band;
Strike hard with arm of fire ! Strike hard, for God and fatherland,
For mother, wife, and sire ! Let thunders roar, the lightning flash;
Bold Southrons never fear The baj^'net's point, the sabre's crash—
True Southrons, do and dare !
Bright flovv'rs spring from the hero's grave;
The craven knows no rest! Thrice curs'd the traitor and the knave !
The hero thrice is bless'd. Then let each noble Southron stand,
With bold and manly eye : We'll do for God and fatherland;
We'll do, we'll do, or die!